Best of Bridge, 2017

4 January 2018

Discover some of our highlighted blogs from 2017. Click on the title to read the full story.

Don’t forget to share your favourites using social media and to visit our complete blog here for more.

Improving Lives: One BRAC at a Time

Find out the three most important lessons we learnt at the fifth annual BRAC Frugal Innovation Forum which took place in December 2017 in Bangladesh.

Young Bridge graduates in Kenya celebrate fantastic exam results, again

Bridge Kenya pupils sat their primary school leavers’ exam in late 2017 and for the third consecutive year surpassed their Kenyan peers. The results confirm the trend set in 2015 and 2016 with children significantly outperforming the national average. Read more about individual stories of success and the nationwide success of Bridge in Kenya.

What we learnt at #WISE17

Find out what we learnt attending the World Innovation Summit for Education in Qatar, taking place in November 2017. WISE has quickly become a reference point and a place to feel the pulse of global education; a place to understand what’s happened, and what’s coming next.

The role of private actors in supporting learning worldwide

In the field of education, the UN’s Millennium Development Goals ushered in a new era of opportunity through access. What role does the private sector have in supporting learning worldwide?

STEM brings confidence to girls through education

Read the incredible story of Sophia, the Bridge Nigeria pupil who went from knowing nothing about coding to speaking at Nigeria’s largest gathering of Python developers in under eight weeks!

Proud to be a UN Global Compact Participant

In September 2017, Bridge became a Participant to the UN Global Compact programme, a sustainability initiative that seeks to advance societal goals and advance universal principles on human rights, labour and anti-corruption. Bridge is proud to support a movement that promotes the impact that non-state actors and partnerships have in achieving these global goals.

Independent report proves Liberia’s bold education innovation is working

A new study released in September 2017 showed that children in Bridge Partnership Schools for Liberia (PSL) public schools learnt twice as fast as their peers in traditional public schools, receiving the equivalent of a full year of additional schooling per year.

Technology enables Bridge teachers to give their best in the classroom

Great teachers have the ability to change the direction of a child’s life. They can inspire a love for a subject and for learning that will stay with someone throughout the years. A great teacher equips a child with the skills and resources needed for the future. Teachers can do all this and more for their pupils but they too need to be supported, trained and provided with the best equipment and techniques available.

How do you solve a problem like education for children fleeing conflict?

Today, the number of people displaced by conflicts is at an all-time high.Ensuring that children still have access to quality education, even when fleeing conflict or living in camps for displaced people, is a significant global challenge. Children in conflict can lose their homes, families, schools and so much more. Without an education, they can also lose their future.

Africa is a Continent where education reform is working

Africa is becoming an innovator, making independent and bold choices about its future and crying out for partners with solutions, energy and enterprise – especially in education – it is their choice to make, not anyone else’s to undermine.

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