Bridge believes every child has the right to high-quality education. Learn how our teachers connect, communicate, engage, motivate, and inspire our pupils!


We believe that strong teachers change lives. So, we’re empowering a new community of trained, prepared and supported teachers. A […]

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Great teaching enables great learning

If pupils are the lifeblood of schools, teachers are the organs; working tirelessly to ensure that learning is happening throughout […]

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Our Work


We measure success by learning outcomes for children. We believe that it’s not just about ensuring children are in class but making sure that once there, learning is happening.

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Supporting teachers

We believe that an education system can only be as strong as its teachers. So, we're empowering well prepared and supported teachers.

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Success Stories

  • Sarath Babu Dunna

    Meet Sarath Babu Dunna, an academy manager that always gives 100% to ensure that his school runs smoothly! He’s been […]

    Sarath Babu Dunna green-right
  • Atiku Afolashade

    Atiku Afolashade is a 12-year-old pupil at Bridge Alhaji Adebowale. She explains how she loves going to her academy and […]

    Atiku Afolashade green-right
  • Deddeh Beyan

    Meet Deddeh Beyan, a Grade Six student at Weakama Public School in Bomi County, west Liberia. Deddeh is wearing a […]

    Deddeh Beyan green-right
  • Mafulo Ashore

    Mafulo has the job of bringing out the best in others — something that she believes you can only do […]

    Mafulo Ashore green-right
  • Jacob N. Allison

    Meet Jacob N. Allison, the hugely devoted Principal of Little Wlebo Public School. He embraces the day-to-day challenges of teaching […]

    Jacob N. Allison green-right

Bridge@home Mobile Interactive quizzes

To keep children on a path to success, we have created interactive quizzes your child can take directly on WhatsApp.They are Fast: they take 3-10 min to complete, Free: these resources are free just like all @Home resources Fun: They will challenge your child on a variety of subjects.

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