Lucia Toe

Pupil, Liberia

Lucia reading at home

My name is Lucia Toe I am ten years and live in Liberia. Our home is in the big forest and a long way from our capital Monrovia. I have never been there. We live in Grand Kru, not far from another country called Ivory Coast. I have friends from there and from Grand Kru. We live together now.

I like to play with my brothers and sisters – we play chase and catch. My papa is called Peter and my mama is named Anita. My Papa says school is very important for me. My Ma goes the palm farm. I see her in the morning and night. She works a lot.

When I was little many of the people died because of the bad sickness, called Ebola. I remember very sad things when it happened. But now we are ok. I pray it is gone.

Lucia with her father

I wake up at 5 with my family, my mama wakes me up. Then I do washing the cups. My Pa gets the water and we have rice for breakfast.

I go to the village school. I am proud that I am learning lots and my Ma says I am learning more than she did when she was a girl. I can do things now that my mama does not know, so I am help to her.

I have three sisters and three brothers, I walk to school with my brother Victor. Then I sweep up in the Grade 1 classroom. Then we sing the national anthem; we pray together.

Lucia walking to school in Gbanken village, Grand Kru County

At school I learn English, social studies, numbers, and things. Today I was learning more maths and the tiger animal. We have lessons all day then it is time to come home to do study.  

English I like the best. I like to read the English books and my English teacher asks me questions and I answer. It is my #GirlSuperPower. I want to read good books because I want to be educated. My friend in the other village she can not read; her school is not teaching her. She is sad. Many children do not even go to school. My Papa tells me I am a lucky girl.

One day, when i finish school I want to be President, I will make people happy when I am President. I want to go to high school and I want to study English.

I know we had a woman who was President, I want to be like her. If I study hard I will be able to work as President, that is what my Bridge teacher says.

Lucia reading at home

I come home after school, take off my uniform, and I read. Sometimes I cook with others, we have rice and meat and palm butter. My Ma and Pa ask me many things. At 8pm it is bedtime.

My Papa says I am learning good because my teachers now have computers to help them with the lessons. I like my teachers and they help me every day.   

I like my uniform I never had one before, but now I am very smart and people know that I am learning. I wear it every day and my Mama say I look very smart. My school is called Bridge, it makes me happy.

I feel good that I am knowing more each day and that when I am bigger I will be able to help people. I want to help people here at home. To help I must study hard. I have the chance.

Lucia and her youngest brother Victor outside their family home
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